
Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Black and White - Bordeaux

Taken in Bordeaux, October 2012
35mm Pentax Super ME

Place de la bourse

Vanishing Points

Bordeaux Old town

Port de Pierre

Water tanks by la base-sous marine

La base-sous marine, Bordeaux (Interior)

La base-sous marine, Bordeaux


Grand Théâtre de Bordeaux


Rue Sainte-Catherine 

Rue Sainte-Catherine 2

école nationale supérieure d'architecture et de paysage de Bordeuax on a foggy morning
Basilique Saint-Michel

Basilique Saint-Michel

Snapshot de Bordeaux

Snapshot de Bordeaux 2

Park Majolan 

Magic at Parc Majolan

Birdsong at Parc Majolan

Bordeaux, View of

'Wild' grass along la Garonne

Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Holga - Tetley Brewery Site, South Leeds

Holga 120N - new toy! Just test driving my new holga - some have turned out ok, although some are a little dark. Have to make sure I carry the flash with me/have the right settings on next time!

Pictures are of the Tetley Brewery/Southbank Site in South Leeds that I am currently working on for my major design project....

Friday, 8 February 2013

Collage/Thoughts - Urban Green (Major Design Project)

A few initial thoughts and ideas for my major design project - Urban Green - explored through collage...

Urban Green - History/Heritage/PathsandRoads/Trees/GreenvsBrown/GreenandBrown

Vertical Farming/Urban Agriculture/Orchards/History/Heritage/Cafe Culture/EATLEARNTHINKCHATTALK/Public Space/Forum-for-thought/
Urban green/Park/Wetlands/Ampitheatre/Outdoorcinema/Culture/Artspace/NightandDay/Education/Research


