
The home page shows the most recent blog entry. To explore the blog and for information on the MA Landscape Architecture course please click on the menus below. 'So you want to be a landscape architect?' recounts the highs and lows of my conversion year at Leeds Metropolitan. The Masters section is dedicated to my MA year on exchange in Sweden and back in Leeds.
Some of the contents pages above open up into new sites, such as my pintrest page.
If you are looking for my official work and portfolio as a Landscape Architecture student then please visit my website www. soniajackett. com

All below images are strictly copyright of © Sonia Jackett 2013.

Friday 28 June 2013

End of Year One

Completion...for the moment anyway.

Once again it's been a few months since my last real post. The amount that goes on leaves me with little time to blog about my experiences and as a result this becomes a kind of blog where I just upload my work. Hence, over the summer I will be working on a website which I can use as an online portfolio and keep this separate, a blog of musing and whimsical online notes (when/if I find the time!). 

The conversion year is finished - and I passed, hurrah! It's been pretty intense but I've enjoyed every second of it. Landscape Architecture is definitely the right choice for me. I'm not there yet, and I know what I need to work on (I find it hard jumping from the large scale urban design stage to the detail design stage. A way to overcome this is perhaps to start using more scale models, even if they are just rough working models). 

I've never worked so hard. 8am till 9pm days in the studio as a standard, especially leading up to deadlines. It's great. I love the studio-culture; people eat there, shower there, nap there. It's somewhere you live and breathe design.

View of Leeds from the studio at Broadcasting Place

I couldn't have achieved half of what I have done without the help of friends and all of them came from immersing myself in the course and the studio. 

Watch this space….

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