
The home page shows the most recent blog entry. To explore the blog and for information on the MA Landscape Architecture course please click on the menus below. 'So you want to be a landscape architect?' recounts the highs and lows of my conversion year at Leeds Metropolitan. The Masters section is dedicated to my MA year on exchange in Sweden and back in Leeds.
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If you are looking for my official work and portfolio as a Landscape Architecture student then please visit my website www. soniajackett. com

All below images are strictly copyright of © Sonia Jackett 2013.

Friday 12 July 2013


35mm Pentax Super ME

Gloss finish (don't know why I did that, will definitely be going back to matt)

If you have had a gander through my previous photos you will have notice that I am intrigued by vanishing points; down streets and alley ways, enfilades, below two trains in a railway station frame a vanishing point as it disappears into the countryside. Why so? I honestly am still trying to pick it apart, I think somewhere it is along the lines of a mobius strip - that there is always more to see, to experience and it could be right...down.....there....and it comes back to me as the starting point. I have the power to walk down towards that "point." At the same time I think I see that vanishing point as something running away from me, something I am trying to chase - that insatiable hunger to always want to do/see/feel/live more. 

When I took these pictures however, I was in Venice. And if you read my last blog post you would see how it is the people who swarm to venice - the locals, the countrymen, the tourists, who you rub intrinsic shoulders with, and share La Serenissima with - then you would know it was also this that makes the experience of Venice. Venice is beautiful but the smells, noise, chatter, and character of Venice is either now made by people, or has been made people - lest we forget that. So in these photos, I have tried to incorporate these thoughts - the layers of Venice, physical and material but also ... the human dimension.

Venetian Character

Campo S.Giacomo Da L'Orio

Four Venetians

Venice Santa Lucia 


Villa Rotunda, Vicenza



Mass in Salute

Maurizio Nannuci at the Guggenheim

From the Belfry of San Giorgio Maggiore


Da mangiare, Da Damminare, Da Vivere

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