
The home page shows the most recent blog entry. To explore the blog and for information on the MA Landscape Architecture course please click on the menus below. 'So you want to be a landscape architect?' recounts the highs and lows of my conversion year at Leeds Metropolitan. The Masters section is dedicated to my MA year on exchange in Sweden and back in Leeds.
Some of the contents pages above open up into new sites, such as my pintrest page.
If you are looking for my official work and portfolio as a Landscape Architecture student then please visit my website www. soniajackett. com

All below images are strictly copyright of © Sonia Jackett 2013.

Tuesday 23 July 2013

Admin Post

Hi all, 

As I mentioned in my last post, I am going to be working on a more professional website alongside this blog. As I result I have changed the website address from soniajackett.blogspot.com to peripateticisland.blogspot.com - so please take note! More information and links to be provided soon regarding the website.

Meanwhile....have you checked out my other new features and side projects? 

Currently working on Counterfeit Food - still a tumblr site but hoping to get a more official look soon!

And if you're into visuals (or a curious set of friends and family), I've added a photoblogroll of My Peripatetic Life.

All the best,


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