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Wednesday 27 November 2013

A Love Affair With Cities

I can’t help but think of cities in terms of lovers. Or past relationships.

Edinburgh, where I attended university for four years, was my first true relationship. My first true love. We knew each other intimately. Gave ourselves to each other completely with a trust and naivety that only the young and that first true passion can offer. Through four year we nurtured each other and watched each other change until, we grew apart. And I left.

I visit from time to time. We stayed friends. The last time I was there, I looked up at St Giles Cathedral and thought – I still love you, but not in that way. I’m happy you’re happy. I’m glad I can still be here. No, it was not with real true love that I looked upon the Auld Reekie but a fondness that develops between two people who have shared things and known each other a long time.

At the moment I currently live in Malmö, Sweden. It was tentative at first but then it swept me off my feet. A total breath of fresh air. So different, so refreshing, so calm and cleansing. It was really what I needed just when I needed it. I felt like it gave me time to be myself, to really be me. It calmed me, it truly did. And yet, yet…I’m not sure we are right for each other in the long term. It doesn’t make me laugh the way other cities do. It seems, very mature and stable. Never wants to go out on a Saturday night. I am not ready for that.

What of Leeds? I was in Leeds for year before coming to Sweden and I have to return there in January to finish my MA. Well, to be quite frank, I feel like Leeds is a drunken one night stand that keeps happening. Brash and loud, it’s a bit immature (as Malmö is mature). Whilst it’s fun, it is also exhausting in that, I don’t think life should be quite like this either.

And other cities? Copenhagen – a flirtation that someday may have the capacity to become real. Berlin, the most interesting person I’ve ever met but who always asks my name every time we meet?  Paris and I, quite controversially, cannot even stand to be in the same room as one another. I snogged Perth once. New York, a great friend but nothing more. In fact, plenty of cities are just good friends. Some only acquaintances. And then, a whole heap that I have not yet had the pleasure to meet.

The Line Up

St Giles, Edinburgh


Hyde Park Corner, Leeds

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